Penetration Testing
Get Started
Preliminary Report
Gather important data about your malware infection. This includes Web host and WordPress credentials, affected domain, etc.
Register Account
Verify your identity and complete the malware removal retainer process. When this is complete, your case will be sent to our technicians.
Process Case
Sit tight while we begin processing your infected WordPress system. Depending on the severity or your case, the timeline for removal varies.
Removal Report
We will deliver a report outlining key components of your WordPress malware removal and how your system was compromised.
Malware Removal
Eliminate backdoors and scripts that are providing access, redirecting visitors, and sending spam.
Analyze Activity
Get temporary monitoring of your WordPress system for ongoing spam activity and re-infection attempts.
Fresh Updates
We will update WordPress core, any non-custom plugins, and themes to the latest and most secure versions.
Security Essentials
Get access to discounts on
WordPress Maintenance
SSL Certificates
, and more.
Daily Statistics
≈ WordPress Systems Infected
≈ Malware Infected Spam Sent
≈ Outdated WordPress Systems
≈ Statistics are estimated off publically available market data.